Monday, December 26, 2011


Sheldon likes to do things "His" way...or no way, I just go with the flow.

I had a sweet Christmas! I love going to Dad's Fire Station, the guys enjoy petting me and letting me sniff all their stuff. We celebrated today opening presents (my favorite). Lots of new birds to add to my prized flock and some bright new tennis balls, a Golden Retriever can never have enough tennis balls in my book. But, the best thing was our entire pack was together ..... ahhhhh.

It was a full it is time to lay and chill out... even my little birdie is feeling exhausted. Sheldon stressed us out. How what your Christmas?

1 comment:

MakingSpace said...

Goldie the 2 1/2 year old golden retriever checking in here. I got chicken jerky and a new toy, and lots of visitors, and a trip to the park, and wow it was big and I was all amped up and then all tired. Big day. What holiday is this anyway????